Saturday, December 26, 2015


I turned on the computer to write the blog last night at the usual time--10:30--and could not get on line.

Everyone must have been using Verizon to call Mom, Grandma, and the grandkids. The lines were busy!

In true Hispanic tradition fireworks were in the air last night from dark until I went to sleep.

We enjoyed "leftovers" with Jim and Dee plus ten others at mid day yesterday.  In addition to the leftover ham, Dee had made two pans of lasagna for the lunch.  Everything was delicious!

Everyone stayed until mid afternoon!

39 years ago today was a busy day!  I was pregnant with a baby boy that had been due on December 9 but had not arrived.  On Christmas Day my mother suggested "let's get this baby here!"  At her suggestion I drank 2-3 ounces of CASTOR OIL.  That is nasty stuff.

About midnight I went into labor and just before noon Darin Glen Hickey arrived.  It was a Sunday!

Darin never got birthday parties on/near his birthday during elementary years.  We always had the party in January!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO OUR SECOND BORN, OUR ONLY SON, DARIN!  He is a wonderful father, a great husband, a successful policeman and business manager, a good friend.  His wife describes him as "able to make a friend with a stop sign!"  When he was on street patrol the people he stopped would thank him for the ticket he had just issued!

There are no major plans for today.  All of the big projects are finished.

We will enjoy the weather as it is forecast to be near 90 degrees.  BUT, by the first of the year the highs are going to be 25 degrees or so colder!

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