Friday, December 4, 2015

December 4, 2015 What First? Where's the ibiprofuen?

We are at our winter home.
The truck needs unloaded. The kitchen needs unloaded.

First, what to do first?

The outdoor kitchen is covered in dust, and gecko droppings.
The concrete floor is covered in months of accumulated dust.
The outdoor kitchen needs to be cleared of the stored tables, chairs, cushions.

What to do first?

Glen helped by carrying out the table and chairs and cushions.  I started washing the stove and refrigerator, outside and inside.

Glen started washing the concrete with the power washer, including the floor of the kitchen.

It took lots of changes of water to get everything dust free and clean.

I washed all of the shelves of the cabinets.

Glen started working on a leak in the outside bathroom.  One of the hot water pipes is constantly dripping.  He pulled off the tin on the wall and found the source of the drip! The pipe has been worked on and is drying overnight.

I spoke of geckos in the first paragraph.  Geckos are good, I was told this afternoon at the hardware store.  They eat insects.  But, I really don't want them inside any closed in area.  They can eat insects outside.  We found two that were about 12-15 inches long.  They are now in gecko heaven.  I put sticky traps behind the stove and under the sink, out of the way of people to catch any that might want to move into the kitchen area!

Glen mentioned a couple of times today that by bringing new things to the kitchen, or building more, causes more work each time we arrive!  I am thinking there won't be any more big projects!

I have determined that I am going to do a better job of covering things when we leave!

The Neighborhood
this is for our readers who have been here and are familar with our neighbors.

During the summer our neighor "behind" us, Luis, passed away due to complications of diabetes.  LaLa, his wife, is still living in their mobile home. She doesn't drive, doesn't speak English, has no family here.  Gilbert, a Spanish speaking neighbor is helping her.

Two empty lots at the end of our street has been sold, and cleaned up.  Gilbert says that the new owner doesn't know what he is going to do with the lots--build or sell.

Shirley, who lives across Eagle Street, isn't here yet.  She normally is here by October, but is having health issues.  She hopes to be here soon--if she feels like driving here.

Jim and Dee, two houses down, who went to Alaska with us, arrived today from visiting Dee's daughter who just moved to the Dallas area.

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