Monday, January 18, 2016

January 18, 2016 The Waiting Game

Last week----
   the roofing contractor:  "We will be at your place Monday or Tuesday."

   Not today.  He wasn't here today.

   Hopefully tomorrow!

It was a beautiful day to be waiting: 72 degrees, blue sky, barely a breeze.

I talked to our son in Cape Girardeau MO this afternoon.  His description of the weather: "wicked cold."

Yesterday there was a spaghetti lunch after church.  It was a fund raiser for the youth group.  The spaghetti, green beans, garlic bread, and cake was delicious.

Tonight was the first of the Jam Sessions at the closest RV park/motel to us.  It is where Jan and Bruce are staying; and friends Fred and Gay are parked with their fifth wheel.  Three years ago Fred and Gay were asked by the owners to sing/play one night a week.  They very kindly asked Glen and Evelyn to join them.

It is now expected and looked forward to each winter.  Glen says this is his favorite venue to sing and be with the other musicians. Bruce joined them tonight.

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