Saturday, January 30, 2016

January 30, 2016 They were Here! They Left!

The roofing crew came.  They looked things over, called the boss, told him he (the boss) had brought the incorrect foam spacing that is placed between the ridge cap the roofing sheets.

The boss/owner was in Laredo at the time of the call.  He picked up the correct spacing foam.  The crew left.  They will return in the morning.  Yes! on Sunday.  We are just ready for the project to be over.

Thankfully it has not been a rainy, wet January.

Ok.  We don't have to stay around to watch the roofing crew.  What do we do?

We don't care.  Let's just go somplace.

Off we went.  We drove to the Falcon Lake Dam.  Four of us did not have our passports so we didn't drive onto the dam.

Next stop:  Salineno Birding Refuge, just north of Roma, Texas.  We have been here many times.  There is no easier place to watch and identify birds.  The photos can be clicked on to enlarge.

 Altimira Oriole.

 (female) Ladderback Woodpecker.

 Green Jay.

Ladderback Woodpecker.
 Green Jay and Altimira Oriole.

 Notice the neon orange color on the Altimira Oriole.

Compare the colors on the two: (L)Altimira (R) Audubon's Oriole--he's lemony yellow.

 Audubon's Oriole.

 Altimira Oriole.

Just north of the birding refuge on Hwy 83 are these two saguaro cacti.  They are normally found in Arizona.  Speculation: someone was visiting Arizona, dug up the saguaro, and brought them to Salineno/Roma, TX.  Glen is estimating they are 60 feet tall.

We saw many other birds which did not sit still enough for pictures.  There was a covey of bob white quail, hundreds of red-winged blackbirds, Lincoln and olive sparrows, white tipped dove, black crested titmouse, orange crowned warbler, brown headed cowbird, a wren.

Down the road at Rio Grande City we enjoyed lunch at The Steak House, housed in a restored late 1800's building.  Menu was mostly Mexican.  Gary enjoyed a prime rib sandwich.  The rest of us enjoyed enchiladas, tacos with delicious side dishes.

On the way home we stopped at Roma Bluffs Wildlife Birding Center along the Rio Grande River.  We looked across the river into the cit of Miguel Aleman.  No, we do not cross the bridge into Mexico.

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