Tuesday, February 23, 2016

2/23/16 Four Hour Cruise

We Went to the Sea Turtle Sanctuary yesterday but...it was closed on Monday.  A visit is on the to-do list for the rest of the week.

Today we went on a four-hour cruise on the "Danny B". Part of the time the boat is a tour boat, the other time it is a fishing boat.

We left from South Padre Island, cruised through the coastal waterway to the port of Brownsville.  We were able to see industry, including shrimp boats, deep water oil rigs, ex-naval and international ships.

Some of the deep water oil rigs were being built, some were out of commision.

The ex-naval air-craft carriers were being scrapped.

This is Monday night's moon rise!  The sun's reflection beautified the scene.

 This is the Port Isabel Lighthouse.

 A group of shrimping boats in harbor.  The boat captain said several years ago there were 1200 shrimping boats; today there is 200. A combo of high fuel costs and low shrimp prices caused shrimpers to find other employment.
 A new deep-water oil rig that has never been put into commission as it was not built to specifications and leans to one side so will never be used.

 The Border Patrol on duty.

 A shrimping boat on the move.
 The same boat with the net booms extended.

 At the Port of Brownsville.
I am having difficulty downloading more pictures.  This computer is showing its age!  I am about ready for a new one.

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