Saturday, February 27, 2016

2/27/16 We're Ba-a-ack!

Friday was the last full day in our week's "vacation"!

In the morning we went to a huge vendor-filled market held in the convention center on SPI.  It was much more than a craft fair, not a farmer's market.  There were many tables of hand-crafter jewelry, goats' milk soap and lotion, sunglasses, bamboo sheets, shoes, tools, funky-designed chip clips, handmade leather belts/wallets, etc.

Glen and I drove the truck on the beach for a few miles while Jeff and Marcella enjoyed the sunshine on the beach.

This morning the truck was loaded, the keys returned, and we were on the road by 7:50.

We stopped at "Texas Gold", the shrimp market we visited Thursday. We brought enough shrimp for a shrimp boil here at home.

There was also a stop at the vegetable/fruit market in Donna, TX.  We brought home cucumbers, lemons, radishes, avocados, carrots.  Sounds like a good salad, doesn't it.

Gary and Evelyn were here at home when we arrived.  They left Missouri Thursday morning, stopped in Dallas for a visit at the site of the JFK shooting, and arrived here about 10 p.m.

We spent the afternoon catching up on their days in Missouri, and they on our week at South Padre Island.

There are big plans for tomorrow afternoon.  Stay tuned.

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