Tuesday, March 29, 2016

3-29-2916 Tuesday....Service

Glen has been aware that it was close to time to have the pick up serviced; that is, oil and filter changed and tires rotated.  He was hoping to have that done in Ft. Smith, AR.

However, the "oil life" indicator showed the life was down to 12 percent.  Glen made an appointment at the GMC dealer in Rio Grande City for today.

It was a good experience.  The truck was taken in right away, and was finished in an hour.

It was a foggy, drizzly morning as we drove south.

There are at least three of these blimps in the air from Zapata south to the valley.  They are used to take real-time photos and has a range of 17 miles.  The Border Patrol can actually see illegals on the ground. The dirigibles are unmanned, but usually tethered.

I guess it was too foggy for this dirigible to be in the air (10:15 a.m). I hope you are able to see how large they are. We were 1/4 to 1/2 mile from the ground station.

Close up of the entire blimp.

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