Saturday, March 5, 2016

3/5/16 Last Sunday update Apology.... and More

It has been so busy here that I haven't taken the time to get the pictures transferred from the emails to the photo location.  It will be a case of "better late than never."

Jeff has volunteered to assist me with the transition but it seems as if we are not inside the motorhome until bedtime.

I will leave you hanging once again until I get the pictures transferred.

Each day of this week has been a grand day.  The weather has been marvelous.  We have spent all day outside.

Even Thursday which had a high of 102 degree!
It has been in the upper 80's to the mid 90/s except Thursday as mentioned.

Friday it was the annual neighborhood lunch at our location.  We invited eight other couples (plus our six) but three couples had conflicts with the schedule.

The menu was delicious: oven cooked prime rib, baked potatoes plus butter/sour cream, corn, green beans, creamy cucumbers, a veggie tray, homemade bread, and Granny's cake and Key lime pie (all homemade).

No one was in a hurry to leave and there was lots of visiting and catching up with everyone!.

Today we particiapted in a Marathon!  No, no! not what you are thinking!  There was no running involved.

We had four episodes of "The Amazing Race" recorded.  We watched all four episodes!  Plus, three "Jeopardy" sessions.

Tonight we taught Gary and Evelyn, and Marcella and Jeff how to play "Skip Bo".  Have you ever played "Spite and Malice" on the computer?  It is like that except "Skip Bo" is with cards.

Jeff and Marcella are making plans to head north next Friday, March 11.  Gary and Evelyn will then leave March 16.

These winter months are rapidly coming to a close.
We will be heading north by April 1.

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