Tuesday, April 12, 2016

April 12, 2016 (Tuesday Night) "Peel and Pull!" (last night in Greenwood AR)

We prepared boiled shrimp, baked potatoes, hot rolls, and strawberries/ice cream for dinner tonight.

Tanner really isn't a shrimp fan, but he was brave and ate four 'peel and pull" shrim!  He couldn't think of "peel and eat"!

It was a busy day/evening.
Natalie was inducted into "National Honor Society".  Brady returned from a competion for vocational/trades' classes through Beta Club (I think).  He went as an observer, not a participant.  Tanner had soccer practice after school 'til 5:30.

On top of that Tanner wanted one last game of "SKIP BO" tonight.

We are leaving here in the morning and will arrive in Cape Girardeau late afternoon.

Looking forward to more family time!

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