Thursday, April 14, 2016

April 14, 2016 Thursday Night---The Shaggy Look is Gone

Wow, a haircut makes a girl feel much better.  I was sporting the "shaggy" look, about two weeks past needing a haircut.  The haircut is great, and made an appointment for next month.

We picked up Ashlynn and Zade after school and went to their home.  Ashlynn had volleyball practice at 5:15.

Glen and Zade played "pitch" for nearly an hour.  Poppy Glen says he can already feel the sore muscles.

A good salesman is hard to resist.  We went into Verizon because of an issue with my phone.  The video I had taken last night of Ashlynn sending a thank you note to Aunt Trisha, and of Zade batting did not have any sound.  I tried all I knew to find the sound but no success.

Anyway, the salesman worked his magic fingers and viola! there was sound.

Then he said THE words: are you happy with your phones?  You can get new phones and the monthly bill will go down.

Really, that is what he said.  It sounds too good to be true, but evidently it is.

Glen and I both ended up with new phones--updated, more power, better camera.  The phones we chose were not in stock.  They were ordered and we will get them soon.

Not what we planned when we went into Verizon!!

Keeping Watch

This is what we saw when we drove into Darin/Sarah's neighborhood/subdivision this afternoon.  The trees are standing on the edge of a small lake.  It is a majestic sight!

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