Wednesday, April 20, 2016

April 19-20, 2016 A No-Go!

Our current original microwave/convection combo oven is beginning to show it's age.  There is a crack on the inside of the door; the inside light went out and we can't find ithe bulb!

We found a replacement at Lowe's.  Except------
the installer studied the original, compared to the new, and decided the new is not compatible to the same space.  In other words, the new oven installed differently than the old.
On to Plan B.
Find a different oven.

We have found one/some on Amazon.  We would like to see it in person, so need to go by Sears, Menards, and Best Buy to see what they have in stock or can order.

Lowe's refunded the full amount including installer price which is quite impressive.

This morning Darin called, reporting that Ashlynn needed to go to the doctor's at 10:30.  She has a sore on the edge of her nose that has gotten out of control. He didn't need to leave the office as one of the employees was out sick.

The doctor indicated Ashlynn has a bout of impetigo.  She needs 10-days of antibiotics and an antibiotic salve.  The best part for Ashlynn, she needed to stay home the rest of the day!!!

We kept her company until Darin and Zade got home after school.

There has been rain since mid-morning.  Nothing compared to what the Houston TX area has received.  There has been nearly an inch here.

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