Wednesday, April 6, 2016

April 6, 2016 (Wednesday) A Lo-o-on-ng Day! (Fairgrounds, Greenwood, AR)

Close your eyes!  Imagine a long day, made even longer by 20-25 mph winds from the west, while headed north!

That was our day!  We were on the road out of Houston by eight a.m., happy to be headed out of Houston, rather than into downtown Houston.

It was a windy day--all day--from the west!  At least 20 mph is my guess.  My driver was one tired driver by the end of the day!

We arrived in Greenwood about 5:30, with three short stops along the way.

Trisha, Jeff, and Tanner came by and picked us up.  All of us met Brady and Landon at the local Mexican restaurant for dinner.

Trisha had prepared strawberries and shortcake for dessert.

Brady has a project --a 1979 Chevrolet pick up, that needs lots of care, tender loving care.  He has worked on, replaced or repaired about everything under the hood.  Tonight he got it started, and drove it around the block.  He was grinning from ear to ear!  There is much more to be done, but he loves it!

We look forward to spending time with our daughter and her family!

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