Tuesday, May 31, 2016

5-31-2016 "Moses"--Sight and Sound Theater, Branson MO (@Branson Lakeside RV Park, Branson MO)

We said our "good-byes" last night to Trisha, Jeff, Natalie, Brady, and Tanner. 

This morning we left Greenwood, heading north.

We are at Branson Lakeside RV Park, Branson MO.  We have a view out the front window of Lake Taneycomo.  Awesome.

We attended the production of "Moses" at Sight and Sound Theater tonight.  It was two and half hours long (with a 15 min intermission between Act 1 and Act 2).  As with all productions there the scenery, backdrops, animals, and actors are awesome.  

The story of "Moses" was condensed, obviously, but the main highlights were Biblical.  The plagues, Passover, the parting of the Red Sea was all part of the production.  The story ended with Moses receiving the Ten Commandments, followed by diagolue leading to the appearance of Jesus.  

A great evening.

There is an appointment immediately after lunch for the motorhome at the local Spartan dealer to see if there is imminent danger in using the steering box as there is a recall on the steering box.  Crossing our fingers and hoping that all is okay, and the work can be done in the fall.

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