Saturday, May 21, 2016

May 21, 2016 Post Graduation--Lots of pictures--and Bragging

I have had time to go through pictures, crop, delete, and label.  Ready to share with you, family and friends.  Spoiler alert: I am gonna brag!

There were 268 members in the graduating class; 9 Govenor's Scholarships--Brady was one; 101 received honor diplomas (at least 9 honors classes)--Brady was one; Arkansas Technical University Advanced Scholar; and certificate for highest grades in the mechanical classes at Univ of Ark-Ft. Smith.

We are very proud of Brady, obviously!

It's Natalie's turn next year; and Tanner's turn in two years!

Click on each to see larger picture!

Ready for the graduates.  

Glen, Tanner, Trisha, Jeff, Landon

Tanner and Trisha, Jeff and Landon

(L)Gayla, Glen, Tanner, Trisha

Drew Dundee and Natalie Burklow) (ushers from Junior Class)
Brady in processional


Our handsome graduate

How many more pictures?

Brady and Trisha

Brady, Trisha, Tanner

Brady, Trisha, Tanner
Landon Burklow, Brady and Tanner
Tanner, Brady, Natalie

Gayla, Brady, Glen

Lots of pictures and bragging--I told you!

Tanner is planning an adventure (?) for us this afternoon.  He says it is on his bucket list to take Grammy and Poppy to a Super Heroes movie.  I am not sure what the title is--will let you know later--but I think Superman battles someone--maybe Batman!

Have a great week end!

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