Monday, May 23, 2016

May 23, 2016 Last School Function: Attending Soccer Banquet

We were honored to be invited to share in the end-of-the-soccer season banquet tonight with Trisha and Jeff.

Both Tanner and Natalie were a part of the celebrations.

The meal was delicious--chicken spaghetti, green beans, hot bread, and a brownie.

Before banquet--Tanner and Natalie

Tanner with the First Year Varsity Letter Award

Natalie with the Third Year Varsity Letter Award

Natalie and Tanner

After the banquet and a change of clothes, the family helped Trisha move boxes and furniture out of her class room.  She will be in a NEW--as in just being built--building next fall.

She will still be teaching seventh grade geography.

Tomorrow is the Last Day of School!

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