Saturday, May 7, 2016

May 7, 2016 Where Have the Days Gone?

I didn't realize that I haven't posted in a few days.  I am sorry.

Thursday we picked Ashlynn and Zade up from school, went to the Farmer's Market where we treated ourselves to a homemade donut.  Ashlynn and Zade also remembered they needed honey at home so we bought a bottle of locally harvested honey.

Friday ---it was a busy day.

Cape Girardeau had designated Friday as "Ride A Bike to Work or School Day!"  Darin took Ashlynn and Zade and their bikes to the meeting place at 6:30 a.m..  The entire group of students from Clippard Elementary were escorted to the school.

Darin and Sarah and Chrissy (their employee) went to Poplar Bluff for a day at that office.

We picked up the bikes before the end of school.  There was "early out" --1:43 p.m.--so picked up Ashlynn and Zade and went to their house.

We spent the afternoon playing some four-square; Glen playing toss the football with Zade, watching them play with their friends.  You get the idea....lots of outdoor activities.

Oh, yes!  Sarah's sister was discharged from the hospital yesterday.  She is going to be spending some days at her parents' home with lots of TLC!


Pictures will explain.  Click on each picture to enlarge.

Team Hickey Family ready for the 5-K Fun Color Run in Cape Girardeau.  Sarah cheered from the sidelines with Glen and me.  Sarah is slowly regaining her strength and feeling better.

Zade and Ashlynn!

The finish line is in sight!  Darin, Ashlynn, Zade.

Heavy Breathing! Where's the water? We made it!  Darin, Ashlynn, Zade

There were nearly 800 registered for the run.  Cape Girardeau was busy today.  "Run for the Cure", Farmer's Market, as well as the Pinewood Derby was all being held.

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