Wednesday, June 22, 2016

June 22, 2016 Where Have We Been? (Cape RV Park, Cape Girardeau MO)

Where Have We Been?

I forgot to warn/inform you that when we left Evelyn and Gary's we were going to my sister Jan and hubby Bruce's farm in rural Miller County MO.

This rural area is the black hole for Verizon of internet service.  MIFI nor Hotspot provided any power.  There is a landline at Jan's home but it is Sl-o-o-w!  Jan and Bruce get so frustrated and aggravated at the (lack of) service there.

So-o-o-o....we spent Thursday to Tuesday morning with Jan and Bruce, and their extended family.

Saturday morning at 5:30 A.M.---  Yes, A.M.!  Bruce asked Glen if he knew that 5:30 A.M. comes twice a day----.we were part of a group that helped Mitch (J/B's son) and Abby assemble a above-ground pool.  That was the cool of the day.

First attempt at installing the liner was a bust!  There was too much liner!  After some disCUSSion and a couple of phone calls a second attempt was made--this time successful!  Filling the pool started at 10:45.  It was full by Monday morning.  The pool is a considered a "30 ft" 52" tall.

Father's Day was celebrated by attending worship service followed by a pot luck lunch at Jan and Bruce's.  Glen grilled brats and burgers, with fresh squash and green beans from Matt and Teresa, bean salad and asparagus salad from Jan and Bruce.  A delicious mean with wonderful company.

Are you familar with the fundraiser known as "Bean Supper".  The Lion's Club of Brumley MO has a once-a-month Bean Supper to raise funds for the club.  The menu includes pinto beans with ham, cole slaw, and corn bread, and homemade desserts.  All you can eat for $5.00!

This is election year so there were several candidates "politicking" . We see neighbors and friends that we haven't seen in a long time.  Plus, the food is wonderful!

Monday night there was a fast-pitch softball game.  Addison (Jan and Bruce's second granddaughter/Mitch and Abbie's daughter) was the starting pitcher, as well as hitting a three-run homer in the last inning!  Alas, the team lost by one.

Have I mention it is HOT!!!! The current temperatures are more typical for July/August.  It was 86 degrees when I looked at 8 this morning.

We arrived in Cape Girardeau yesterday afternoon.  We met Darin/Sarah/Ashlynn/Zade for dinner at 6:30.  Ashlynn and Zade didn't know we were in town!  Surprise!

We will go to Zade's baseball game tonight.  I will try to have pictures for you.

Meanwhile, we are hibernating.  The shades are pulled, and the air conditioning is running.
89 degrees at 10 a.m.

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