Wednesday, June 8, 2016

June 8, 2016 Deal or No Deal? (back at Branson Lakeside RV Park, Branson MO)

Deal or No Deal?

It is....NO DEAL!

We have backed out of the boat deal.  The longer the deal took to get finished, the more we felt we shouldn't be doing this.  Going with our instinct, and lots of conversation, we called the dealer this morning and cancelled the purchase.

We were able to lounge in the motel room until one this afternoon.  We ate lunch, then checked on the motor home.  We were told it would be finished about 3.  We just waited in the parking lot until completion of the steering bracket/frame
Glen drove the motor home back to the RV park.  Glen says it steers well.  The generator had to be removed for the steering work.  It runs just as it should.

Now, just one more project in the morning.  On the way from Ft. Smith to here, oil was slung out of the hub of the front right tire onto the tire.  

The center plug for the hub cover popped out, allowing oil leak out onto the tire.

In the morning the same mechanics are going to clean, and inspect the wheel bearings in the front right tire.  Then replace the hub cover and install new oil.  This should only take from 8-noon.  More waiting.  

But, it all needs to be done.  

By the way, this RV park is nearly full, if not full.  No matter the condition of the motor home tomorrow, we have to move.  No more room here!

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