Monday, July 25, 2016

July 25, 2016 On The Road (Evergreen Campground, Havre MT)

Sorry! no pictures today.

The only appropriate picture would have been Glen behind the steering wheel.  We were just going from Point A to Point B.

We left Medora ND this morning about 9:30 and stopped about 5:30 p.m.  We traveled east to west on Highway 2, a dotted scenic highway across the top of Montana.

There was lots/many/numerous/too many to count bales of hay in huge fields.  There was wheat being harvested, and wheat waiting to be combined.  There were fields of sunflowers, not yet in bloom.

Wouldn't it be wonderful to be here when those hundreds of acres of sunflowers are in full bloom?

There were fields of alfalfa.

There were hundreds of horses behind fences.

Every small village/town has casinos.  If there are just two or four machines in the lobby, it is called a casino!

I think it was Saturday morning when Gary and Evelyn were preparing for departure when there was a front jack failure (to retract) on the fifth wheel.  After some persuasion with a sledge hammer on the leveling pad under the jack, the jack was able to be manually secured in the up position.

Of course there was no one to call over the week end.  This morning Gary called the RV manufacturer and the extended warranty company.  After receiving permission to go a dealer (in Billings MT--a 5 hour trip), they left at 8:30 this morning.  They arrived at the dealer to learn 1) there was a replacement jack in stock; and 2) it would be three weeks before they could work on the rig.  Sigh. They bought the replacement jack.  If nothing else Gary thought he and Glen and Jeff could install it themselves--if needed.

However, there was an independent repair shop less than a mile from the dealer.  They drove up there!  Hurray! they could work on it right then.  In less than an hour the broken jack was removed and the new one installed.

In the meantime we were headed west.  They headed north and arrived at the same RV park where we are just two and half hours after us.  Can you say tired!!!

Everyone (except Gary/Ev) went into Havre for dinner at a wonderful Mexican restaurant.  We also stopped at WalMart on the way back to the RVs.

When we got there Gary/Ev were parked and set up.

We have a relatively short travel day planned for tomorrow--a 4.5 hour trip.  We will be on the western side of Glacier National Park.  We will be there for four nights.  Everyone is ready to be in one place for a while!

The RV Rookies--Doug and Mildred-- are adjusting well.  Doug is having no issues driving.  All is well with the RV.  They have been "full-timers" for one week today!

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