Monday, August 29, 2016

August 28, 2016 Southern Oregon (Klamath River RV Park, Klamath, CA)

It is a good thing you can't sense my frustration!  Not at you!  NO, at this silly computer.  I have finished one complete blog, but it was erased!  Pictures and everything!!!

Let's try again.
We left Coos Bay Oregon yesterday morning, traveling Highway 101 south into California.  There were many pullovers with many beautiful vistas of the shore.

There was one more lighthouse in Oregon.  Cape Blanco Lighthouse is the oldest standing lighthouse on the Oregon coast, commissioned in 1870.

It was a wet, drippy, foggy, windy morning.

This is the Cape Blanco Lighthouse.

These are the coves around the lighthouse.

Here some of the pictures of the stunning seashore vistas as we traveled.

 Do you see the two sea stars at the edge of the rock?

 This lighthouse was several miles out to sea, off the coast of California.  Name unknown.

The beautiful Klamath River is our view from the windshield at Klamath River RV Park, Klamath California.  It is a beautiful setting.  We are here for eight nights.  It was difficult to find a park that had dates available over Labor Day week end.  The downside to this is creature comforts: steady and strong WiFi, dependable cell phn service, and only one diner in the village of Klamath.

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