Monday, September 19, 2016

9/19/16 (Monday) In My Head I am Singing "El Paso" (Mission RV Park, El Paso TX)

This morning after a stop at the neighboring RV wash we were on the road, going from Point A to Point B.

The RV wash was a local two-man company, but they did an excellent job for just $1 per foot for the motor home! Glen asked them to wash the roof and they did that also.  No reason for us to do that hot, hard job when someone else will do it--and make it look clean and shiny.

Point A on the journey was Willcox AZ, and Point B is El Paso TX.  We are at a park on the east/south side of town.  I can't help but think of Marty Robbins when El Paso is mentioned.  

It was interstate all day, straight through high plains, very few towns.  Thankfully I-10 is a good road to travel on.  

More miles on the interstate tomorrow.  Fort Stockton is half way to San Antonio.  The schedule for the work on the motorhome in Boerne (say "Bernie")has changed  from next Monday to this Thursday.  

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