Friday, September 16, 2016

September 16, 2016 49 years ago! (Desert View RV Resort, Needles, CA)

Forty-Nine Years Ago Today: it was drizzly.  The crepe paper streamers in the church basement stretched out of shape.

The Groom was late to church.  My aunt kept saying "he'll be here.  Don't worry.  He'll be here!"  I had no doubt he would be there. There was just one bathroom in his parents' house.  

About 3:30 p.m., 30 minutes late, there stood Glen at the end of the aisle, waiting for me!.  

We surely didn't know what 49 years of marriage meant, just that we both meant "forever!"  There's been highs and some lows, but it has been a wonderful journey with my best friend.  As Glen says: We have been happily married for 48 years, and 48 out of 49 is pretty good".  Of course he is referring to 1969 when he was in Vietnam.  

Happy Anniversary, Glen!

Today was a travel day, going from Visalia to Needles, CA, 355 miles.  We are just a few miles from Arizona.

We left the orchards, and vineyard area to drive through the Mojave Desert. It was 92 degrees when we arrived in Needles.

Here's a few pictures taken through the buggy windshield or reflected window.

Through the window shade was a big building with "Halos" on the side!

How about some almonds!

Leaving the flat desert for hilly desert.

The wind generators were everywhere.  There were three sizes of generators.

This section of desert was filled with these black stones.

Then a section of high desert,

Joshua trees:  in the yucca cacti family

Can reach 40' tall; only grown in parts of SE California, Nevada, and Arizona.  There is a national park just south  from here named for the Joshua Tree. 
Tomorrow will be another travel day with stops as needed.  

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