Tuesday, November 15, 2016

November 15, 2016 End of Flag Football Season

Tonight's game did not have the ending that the Patriots' team and coaches were hoping for!  The final score was 14-26.  Zade's team ended in fourth place overall for the two leagues.

Zade and team played hard, but it is difficult to stop speedy, long-legged opponents!  

Zade is now on a sport's break until the first of the year when he will learn basketball!  This is one sport that he has never played.  Coach Jeff from the flag football team and Darin will be coaching the basketball team.  

Glen and I are both singing the commercial "look, mom, no cavities!"  Obviously I remember the phrase but can't remember the brand of the toothpaste.  Do you?

It is official-- our dentist and his wife will be retiring on June 1.  We have been patients for 37 years and friends longer than that!  They will be moving to the Nashville area to enjoy the company of their four grandchildren.  

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