Saturday, January 14, 2017

January 14, 2017 Company's Coming! No, Company's Here

I know, I know it has been ten days since I have written anything.

Each day is much like the day before.   There's is a little work done, then a whole lot of resting!

Glen has finished all of the projects that were on the "to do" list.  We are now ready to do whatever comes our way!!

  • All of the kitchen updated--except light fixtures over the sink and stove.  I need to choose what I want.
  • Installation of a room air conditioner in the bathroom.  Even in winter months that is a nice addition.
  • more concrete poured--widened the area where Jeff/Marcella are parked.
  • .Installation  of sun/shade/wind screen on the north end of our outdoor living space, as well as filled in the space above with metal siding.
  • And, music/Jam sessions have started.
  • This past Sunday was the (first ) Second Sunday of the Month Gospel Jam Session at a nearby RV park.
Yes!  Jeff and Marcella arrived last night.  They left southwest Missouri just before a freezing rain/ice storm arrived.

Every Tuesday night there is a Jam Session at another RV Park.

Thursday afternoon the weekly Jam session started at a third RV Park.

Our friends, Fred and Gay from Oklahoma, arrived nine days ago.  They came to our place yesterday afternoon.  They and Glen "picked and grinned" for nearly three hours.

Lake levels continue to drop.  There isn't much "lake" water here, mostly river at this point.  There needs to be several days of lots of rain.

Jeff and Marcella brought a bass boat with them.  Jeff is looking forward to catching some crappie--and we are looking forward to a good fish fry!  

Our local church, First Baptist Church, opened a pre-school here in Zapata last fall.  Alas, there wasn't enough support to keep it open, and it closed at Christmas break.  Glen helped several other church members in emptying the building this morning.  Items were brought to the church for storage at this time.  I think there will be a sale in the near future.

Remember, we like to hear from you also!  

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