Saturday, February 18, 2017

February 18, 2017 More Music

Jeff captained his fishing boat with me as the passenger this morning.  Our quest?  finding the crappie!  🎣🐟

As there was a bass tournament going on today and parking was limited at the County Park launch Glen drove the truck/trailer to the launch; and returned home after we were on the boat.

Prior to today I had only fished for crappie using minnows and a bobber!  Fishing in Falcon Lake it is recommended that the lure of choice is a crappie jig.  I actually felt a couple of bites, but no success in bringing anything into the boat.  Until.....

we had called Glen to come pick us up.  Jeff said 'while we are waiting for Glen, we will try one more place!'  I caught one there.  At least I wasn't 'skunked'!!

Jeff's total catch for the day was six.  

It seems to be always windy on the waters of Falcon Lake, which makes for a rocky, unsteady boat!  

Glen and Jeff did the filleting when we returned.

After lunch we prepared for an informal Jam Session at our place.  In addition to Glen and Marcella there were six other musicians.

Marcella, Glen, Harold (from Missouri), Walt (from Arkansas)

Harold, Walt, Leroy and Sylvia (from Missouri)

Gay and Fred (from Oklahoma)

Marcella and Glen

Leroy and Sylvia (from Missouri)

The session lasted about two and half hours!  Of course we were outdoors under the barn!  There was a nice breeze, much needed, as it was 93 degrees but 15 percent humidity!

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