Saturday, February 25, 2017

February 25, 2017 Page 2 of Big Bend Adventure (Click to enlarge pictures)

We are on Wednesday's adventure in Big Bend!

These Big Bend bluebonnets were growing along the road where they received moisture from rains.

There were abandoned ranch buildings throughout the park.  How  anyone thought  they could make a living here is  out of reach in my imagination.  Cotton was the crop of choice as well as sheep and goats.

Santa Elene canyon in the distance

Glen and Gayla: "Mule Ears" hills in the background

Rio Grande River as it runs out of Santa Elena Canyon

After exploring Santa Elena Canyon there were two choices: return the way we arrived; or, adventure down a 13-mile dirt road.  Glen chose the more adventuresome route.

Click to read the details

This is Luna's Jacal--home where he raised his family

Thursday Jeff and Marcella did another three hour hike.  We stayed at the RV during their adventure.

After the hike we visited the Boquillas crossing.  The Border Patrol building had some interesting art/decoration.

Sunset on another adventure!!

We gave some thought to staying overnight on the return trip to Zapata.  Glen was not overly tired so----we drove through the day and arrived last night about eight o'clock.

We stopped briefly in Laredo to pick up prescriptions at Walmart.  It was much too late last night to  engage my brain for this blog.

Big Bend thoughts:

  • it is a l-o-n-g way there
  • but, it is worth it
  • my pre-conceived ideas weren't big enough for the diversity and desolate beauty of the park
  • make reservations early

Sorry for the length of this!

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