Tuesday, May 16, 2017

5-17-2017 Learning to Like Sushi

Monday night

Trisha and Tanner are becoming sushi fanatics!  Monday night the four of us went to "Fuji's Japanese Restaurant" in Ft. Smith AR.  Taking advice from Trisha and Tanner each of us ordered a different kind of sushi.  Jeff was away, piloting for American Airlines.

Temptation of Fire--complete with flames--mine

Spider Roll:  a new one for Trisha, but she did not like it at all.  Ordered Hollywood Roll as Plan B

Tanner ordered Sunny Roll

Glen ordered Green River, which he really liked.

Trisha is enjoying cooking/preparing dishes.  She likes to prepare "new" dishes.  tonight was "old-fashioned goulash"!  It was an Italian tomato/beef dish with macaroni and cheese.  Delicious.

Today Glen installed a rain barrel for Trisha to catch rain from the gutters.  This water will be used to water plants in the back yard.  What was once old is now new!

We enjoyed lunch with Brady.  Brady has started a summer job at "O'Reilly's Auto Parts".  This is the second summer that he will be working for them.  

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