Friday, June 16, 2017

June 16, 2017 Day Trip 2--History Lesson Learned

The day started with breakfast at "IHOP", favorite breakfast place of Ashlynn and Zade.  Then....

Today's Day Trip was to Trail of Tears State Park, Jackson MO.

Are you familiar with the Trail of Tears, created by the Cherokee Indian Nation?

We watched a 20 minute informational film at the Visitors' Center.  We were half way through the film when Zade commented:  "I thought Andrew Jackson was a good president."  

For those who need 11th or 12th grade American history refreshed....

The Cherokee Nation was a peaceful tribe with a democratic government, their own police, education system, made their own alphabet, etc.  Greed reared its ugly head when it was thought gold was in the streams of the Cherokee Nation in Alabama/Georgia.  The Cherokee wrote a petition to the Supreme Court asking for their nation be theirs alone with the tribe in charge of decision-making.  The Supreme Court agreed with the petition and declared the Cherokee Nation sovereign.  (1838-39)

Andrew Jackson, President of the US, didn't agree and issued orders for the soldiers and militiamen to take over the land and move the tribe.  Long story short: it happened and the Cherokee were force-marched over 800-1000 miles through the winter months, rivers, with only the clothes and supplies they could carry to Oklahoma.  Officially this was  known as the "Indian Removal Act".

There were actually five other tribes in other states involved in the government overtaking lands and moving the tribes.

There was quite a discussion after the film about human rights, government overtaking homes and lands, etc.  

Welcome to Trail of Tears Visitor Center: Zade and Ashlynn

Inside the Visitors' Center: Zade .  Photographer: Ashlynn

Mimosa Tree in bloom; overlooking the Mississippi River, Trail of Tears ST; photographer: Zade Hickey

Photographer: Zade Hickey; he was fascinated with this directional bouy in the river; learning to use the camera

Glen, Gayla, Ashlynn: photographer: Zade

Zade, Gayla, Ashlynn

Glen, Gayla, Zade: photographer Ashlynn Hickey

Sorry for the blurriness of the following picture.

As we were entering the visitors' center, this employee was returning this  PRAIRIE RING-NECKED SNAKE to the outdoors.  He had brought the snake indoors for identification purposes.  This small snake grows to a length of 10-14 inches.  Ashlynn and Zade both touched the snake.

Ashlynn and Zade were both interested in using the camera today.   They did good!

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