Friday, June 23, 2017

June 23, 2017, Friday Souix Falls, SD Museum and Drivers' Licenses (Souix Empire Fairgrounds, Souix Falls, SD)

We are once again up to date with our driver's licenses.  They are renewable on one's birthday every five years.  

With our birthdays 180 days apart, June 3/December 3, I renewed late, and Glen renewed early.  I had previously applied for and received an extension.  It was a painless procedure; and good for five more years.

After the visit to the driver's license bureau we went downtown to the "Dakota Trading Post".  Are you familiar with the television commercials "Buck Naked Underwear"?

It was fun exploring the store.  

This afternoon Jim and Dee served as guides to the downtown area.  We toured the Pettigrew Museum.  Mr. Pettigrew was a founding father of Souix Falls.  

Built in 1889

This area of the home was added in 1923 as a museum.  Notice all of the petrified wood used in the  wall.

Jim and Dee, Glen and I also toured a museum dedicated to the USS South Dakota.  Click to enlarge.

Jim, Glen and Gayla in front of the USS South Dakota Museum.

Tonight we are meeting Myrna (Glen's oldest sister), Dick for dinner.  

Oh, Yes.  Myrna and Dick are also in Sioux Fall for two weeks.  They are at a different RV Park.  We visited with them yesterday afternoon.  

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