Wednesday, June 7, 2017

June 7, 2017 Big Catch-Up

Wow, I am behind in keeping you up with what has been going on.  Sorry!

A week ago today Glen asked Darin, Sarah and kids to join us for breakfast Saturday morning at Cracker Barrel.  

Saturday morning we walked into the restaurant.  Everyone but Glen were surprised to see Trisha, Jeff, and Tanner sitting at a table.  Surprise for my birthday!  They had driven in Friday night for the big birthday surprise.  

It was wonderful having both our children together.  We enjoyed visiting with everyone.  Trisha and family were able to stay until Sunday noon.  

Glen saw the eye doctor yesterday.  Dr. Thoma gave Glen the "all clear" for his eye; no more return visits.  Glen is to finish the medication and refill for a second month.  

Today we visited with friends Donna and daughter Angela here in Cape Girardeau.  Their husband/dad Tom was a patient at St. Francis Hospital for a heart cauterization.  The procedure was finally performed this afternoon.  Nothing to cause problems were found, which is good news.  Tom will go home early this evening.  

This afternoon we visited with Glen's first cousin, Catherine plus husband Louie; and their daughter Melody and hubby Dallas, from Iberia, in central Missouri.  Dallas and Louie were here for examinations with Sarah, our daughter in law Audiologist.  

They both learned they were candidates for hearing help with hearing aids.  

After the appointments we "lead" them to Perryville (33 miles north of CG), for late lunch/early dinner at "Mary Jane's, Burgers and Brews".  "Mary Jane's" has The Best burgers.  I think they all agreed!

They headed back to central Missouri, and we returned to Cape Girardeau.  

We are happy that it worked out that we were here when they were here for their appointments.  

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