Friday, August 25, 2017

August 24, and 25, 2017 Local Eats

It is good to know the local, best places to eat!  You know the ones: the converted filling stations, the one which hasn't been painted in years, but the one with the filled parking lots, the lots with the muddy or dusty pick ups, or local law enforcement vehicles, and  the farmers wear overalls or cowboy boots/hats!

We met Gary and Evelyn yesterday at "Gray's" for lunch (get there by 11:30 or the fried chicken will be gone!).  We were there in time for fried chicken. The plate was filled with two pieces of white meat, mashed potatoes and gravy and your choice of two sides---for me, applesauce and green beans. All for $7.29. Yummy!

Gary was busy Wednesday with members of the "Cattlemen's Association".  They were smoking flat rounds/briskets for 1000-1100 members of the Osage Valley Electric Cooperative's annual meeting.  

Thursday morning Evelyn assisted the group in slicing the smoked flat rounds.

Last evening we attended the Osage Valley Electric Cooperative annual meeting.  A brisket sandwich with chips and ice cream was served to each attendee.

Entertainment before the official meeting was a musical trio called "Sons of Britches".  They performed with a fiddle, and two guitars.  The music was 1950-1960's era country.  They were a talented trio!

Glen worked on scrubbing the roof of the motor home.  I didn't see the roof but understand there had been some bird deposits!

Glen washed/brushed and I rinsed the entire motor home.  Boy, does it look better!  

Have you figured out eating out is an important activity for us?? We met Gary and Evelyn for a late lunch at the local bakery!  Not only do they have delicious baked goods, but they make a delicious deli sandwich!  

We parted our ways to finish preparations for departure in the morning.  We stopped at Walmart--prescription refills and more groceries!

Unplug the electric, and detach the water hose, and we will be ready.

We are looking forward to traveling and exploring Yellowstone NP.

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