Monday, October 16, 2017

October 16, 2017 It's Monday so it's Laundry (Still at The Landing Point, CGMO)

Glen drove the motor home to Cape RV Sales and Service (Youngbloods) this morning.  The service people examined the front air conditioner and pronounced the fan motor dead!  

A new motor is ordered, and will be here in three days.  

The service people also repaired the lighter on the kitchen stove.  There was a loose wire that needed reattaching.  Viola!  It now works.  No more matches or hand-held lighter is needed.

He returned home, backed in the site without my assistance, and set up.  I was at Darin's home, doing laundry!  

We visited with Jeff and Marcella this afternoon, sitting out in the warming sunshine.  

Warming, not hot!  The high was was 67 degrees with 41 degrees as a low this morning.

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