Monday, November 6, 2017

November 6, 2017 Frustration! FRUSTRATION!

Doesn't all caps infer "SHOUTING"?  

Glen delivered the motor home to Capetown RV Sales and Service this morning shortly at 8:00 a.m.

Glen remained at Capetown while I went to "housesit" at Darin's home while the painters were there. Darin needed to be at the office.

Shortly after eleven Glen let me know that the motor home was fixed and was on his way back to the park. When he arrived at the park and hooked up the electricity he turned on the air conditioning.  GUESS WHAT???

It didn't work.

Another trip back (#6) back to Capetown RV.  We met friends Tom and Donna, from Poplar Bluff, for lunch at Red Lobster Seafood.

After lunch we returned to Capetown.  I waited with Glen for about an hour, and then returned to the RV park.  Glen finally drove in about 4:30.  

Hold your breath.  Wait a minute.  Plug in the electricity.  
Yes! the air conditioner worked!!!!  This is the first frustrating experience with Capetown RV, but six trips for one non-working air conditioner is frustrating.  If you want to know the exact details about the issue, call Glen!  The fan was replaced, a capacitator was replaced, and today a diode was replaced.  Hope it will work when we get to south Texas.  

The A/C is not needed here in SE Missouri tonight.  It is raining and in the upper 40's.  

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