Monday, December 18, 2017

December 18, 2017 Monday: Just One More Week

My, oh, my!  The days of December are flying by.

This will be short as the past week has been QUIET!  

Last Tuesday Glen started feeling poorly--again, with flu-like symptoms.  There was fever, body aches, chills, vomiting, and not feeling well at all.

By Wednesday he realized it was more than the flu.  He was having other symptoms that indicated painful bathroom habits.  There are no doctors in Zapata, but there is 'Doctor Mary', a nurse practitioner that has an excellent reputation.  

It turned out to be "UTI", sorry if that is too personal or too much info.  Dr. Mary gave him a shot and ten days of medication.  He didn't start feeling better until Saturday.  

We did go to church Sunday, but he is lacking in energy.  Today, Monday, the energy level is increasing.

Yesterday was potluck Christmas lunch after worship service.  In true Mexican tradition the main course was tamales, handmade, of course.  I prepared charro beans: pinto beans with onion, jalapeño peppers, and tomatoes.  I thought it turned out pretty good.

Of course there was Spanish rice, menudo (tripe soup), and other side dishes.  In case you are wondering, "No!" I did not have menudo.  It is one Mexican dish I have not learned to appreciate.

The past 3-4 days, including today, there has been "Zapata rain".  There is moisture in the air, and everything is wet, but usually windshield wipers are only needed on "intermittent".  Of course it is also cloudy and gray.  

The sun is supposed to return tomorrow.  Hurray!

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