Tuesday, January 23, 2018

January 23, 2018 Routine (Still in Zapata TX)

This has been a week of routine normalcy - - - - - - 

it has been cool and damp for several days with not many outdoor activities.  We have shared lunch, dessert.

Sunday the sun finally popped out and temperatures have risen into the seventies, a welcome relief.

We have played several games of "19-point Pitch".

Of course, the amount of musical activities have increased.  There are now Jam sessions on Monday night, Tuesday night, and Thursday afternoon.  Fred and Gay have been over at least twice to play/sing with Evelyn, Marcella, and Glen.

Evelyn is leading yoga on Tuesday/Thursday; and Marcella is leading "cardio drumming" on Monday/Wednesday/Friday.  Marcella and Evelyn also walk in the neighborhood several times a week.  

There is a PROJECT going on involving I-Pads, musical apps, and paperless notebooks for the musicians.  Glen and Evelyn have new I-Pads ordered, to be delivered this week.  There is an app for transferring music to the I-pad.  The project is taking the approximately 400 country/gospel songs on paper in notebooks and getting them transferred. 

This can be done by photographing the paper page, transferring it to the app, and sending it to I-Pad; or, scanning the paper page turning it into a PDF file, sending it to Dropbox, and then to I-Pad.

Does that all sound complicated???? Thankfully, we have Jeff and Marcella with us that know what they are doing.  Eventually, the plan is to have all the songs on the I-Pad, not having to take the two heavy notebooks to each jam session.  

Now, you may ask, why don't Glen, Marcella, and Evelyn just memorize all the songs?  Their reply:  "isn't going to happen!!"

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