Monday, May 28, 2018

May 28, 2018 (Monday) Holiday Week End (The Landing Point RV Park_

Where, or where, are the days going?  Can't believe it has been nearly ten days since I last wrote.

On May 20, Sunday, after church* we travelled to Iberia (from Greenwood AR), and parked on the farm owned by my sister/brother in law.  

We then attended the visitation of my cousin in law, Jessica. Jessica was 44 years of age, mother of two, and wife of Shawn.  She suffered a brain bleed from uncontrolled high blood pressure.
Life lesson: see your doctor and take your blood pressure medicine.

Monday we attended the funeral service. Of course we were able to visit with numerous cousins and other family members.  We were all preoccupied with the death of Jessica.

Tuesday Glen had an appointment with a new dentist.  We wish a happy retirement to Gary and Pat, dentist and friends for 37 years.
The dentist did prep work for a gold filling on the back jaw tooth that had lost the original filling and most of the shell of the tooth, and applied/installed/put on a temporary shell.

The rest of the week was filled with a variety of errands/appointments, such as a Tuesday baseball game. 

How much fun watching Zade's team.  This age finally knows the rules, and displays the skills to hit, throw, steal, slide, and catch.

We both got haircuts!  

This has been a quiet holiday week end.  Darin and Sarah have been busy with activities with friends.  Ashlynn and Zade have each spent the night with a friend.

* Sunday morning worship service at First Baptist Church:
the morning started with breakfast for the seniors and their families.  During worship service there was slide presentation highlighting each senior as well as announcement of future plans.  The parent(s) joined their senior for a time of prayer.  

This next week is filled with doctors' appointments.  When one reaches "senior" status (not graduating high school) there is practically a doctor for each body part.   

We will be in Cape Girardeau until after July 4.  Our days will be routine: visiting family.  Of course there is Darin/Sarah, Ashlynn, and Zade; Glen's sister Marcella and husband Jeff are also parked here at the Landing Point RV Park.  

I hope you are enjoying the beginning of summer.  There practically was no spring, at least here.  

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