Friday, December 13, 2019

December 13, 2019 FRIDAY, the 13th....It is more difficult than it used to be! (Jackson, MO)

I am Back!
Let's see if I remember how to do this.

I think it really is going to happen this winter.  We ARE going south to Texas either tomorrow or Sunday.  

It is much more work to get ready from a house than getting into the motor home that is already loaded with everything you own in it!

There is much more resting involved! 😃  Carry out a load, then sit down!

On previous trips it seems that we have set a direct route to Zapata and off we went.  We are not going to be in a hurry this trip; no driving after dark!

It is going to be harder to leave this trip after being involved in and enjoying the activities of the grandchildren for the past year!

I am not promising a daily blog, but will try to keep a daily one going!

Enjoy the holidays....Merry Christmas!

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