Thursday, December 19, 2019

December 19, 2019. Day 6, Zapata

Things said last week......
"Remember, we don't have to be in a hurry to get everything done!"
"We have lots of time to get things done."
"We can't work as hard as we used to!"

Yes, we said those things!
Things said last week....

"Remember we don't have to get everything done immediately."
Remember we can take our time."
"Remember we need to take more breaks and rest."

Did we pay any attention yesterday or today? No!
Once we get started it is difficult to take it easy or not work at breakneck speed!  But..
We are taking breaks!

Today we trimmed ONE tree, with a limb pile as big as a pick up. We pile the limbs outside the fence along the edge of the street.  The county maintenance department truck came along while we were finishing and picked it up! Faster than I could get a picture of it!  

The birds have found the suet and grape jelly early this morning! We enjoy watching and seeing bird varieties that are only here in south Texas!  Pictures later.

Glen attempted to the lawn mower started with no success! He will figure out the problem when there isn't other things to do.  I used the weed eater on the few scraggly weeds growing around the most used space.

The replaced water pressure regulator worked with no issues today. Glen worked on moving the items stored in the bath area.  

Glen also found the box with the wind screens.  He hung three of them!  We are ready if it really rains tomorrow. There is 80 percent chance.  Rain is needed urgently here. 

Tired yet?  I won't bore you with detail by detail with all we did today. Also visited with two neighbors.

Check FB for a couple of pictures. I have a new phone but that doesn't really explain why I haven't figured out how to get pictures from the phone to my iPad!  There should be sharing between the two but there isn't.

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