Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fun-and-Work for Glen

Glen got to ride on "our" lawn mower today; the one Darin inherited when we moved into the mh fulltime.  He mowed the yard at Darin's and used the weed-whacker.  It is supposed to rain all day tomorrow; this was a job that needed to be done before the rain arrives.

While he was gone I worked on answering some questions that had arisen from the mail delivery Monday (when we got to Cape Girardeau). 

We "rested" during the afternoon St. Louis Cardinals' game; watched the game outdoors in the recliners.

Tonight Domino's Pizza donated a portion of sales to Ashlynn's elementary school.  Can you guess what we had for supper!

We visited the Farmers' Market this afternoon.  There was an abundance of tomatoes, peppers in several varieties, green beans, okra, eggplant, cantelope, watermelon, corn on the cob, black walnuts, honey, Amish bakery goods.  We didn't bring one of everything home, but a good selection of veggies. 

Tomorrow promises more fun times.

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