Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Tonight we watched Ashlynn, kindergartner, play soccer.  This is her first year to play.  It is very entertaining watching 8 kindergarten girls play!  Sometimes there are cartwheels going on, or conversation, or waving at mom/dad/mimi/poppy.  Sometimes Dad yells "Ashlynn, where's the ball?" 

I reminded Dad/Darin that when he was playing he told us to never use his name when yelling at the field!  He said he didn't remember that! 

Ashlynn is on the right.  I imagine she might be saying "I think the ball is coming this way!"

Halftime! Encouragement and love from her Dad!

Zade, on the sideline 
Zade is quite a soccer player.  He has great control of the ball.  We will get to watch one of his games on Saturday.
Today Glen and I ran errands.  It is official.  We cannot buy one more thing until we get to Texas.  The back of the truck is full to the brim!  If one more thing is bought, then something has to stay at Darin's or go in the trash!
We are enjoying the wonderful weather.   Morning lows in the mid-40's and highs in the low 70's is just great!


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