Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Sitting in the Waiting Room

We literally were in the waiting room at Spartan for more than 12 hours...7:00 a.m until 7:40 p.m. ....with an hour away for lunch.

The Technicians completed the 44-point check list as well as the items that Glen mentioned that wasn't on the list.  With the motorhome 7 years old and no visits to Spartan before there were issues to be addressed. 

And....the work isn't complete yet.  There will be more work in the morning.

The day went by quicker with conversation with the two other couples also waiting for their rigs. 

We found out from the other couples that they make yearly visits to Spartan for check ups on their motorhomes.  It is probably something we will add to the annual maintenance list.

Travel plans from here will depend on what time work is finished tomorrow.

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