Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sunrise Two Mornings In a Row! ** Cloverdale, IN

We have seen the sunrise the past two mornings.  That means we have been up way too early! 

Once again the Spartan technician arrived at the front door this morning at 7 a.m.   Today's work did not last nearly as long as yesterday.  The tech finished at 9:30.  The office manager finished the bill---eek!, went over it line by line with Glen, we paid, and were on the road by 10:30. 

Oh my, Glen is impressed with the work that was done.  One of the most noticeable items was the rebuilding of the front suspension and centering the steering wheel.  Glen says it is much easier to steer/drive. 

Yes, the tech found the problem causing the non-functioning dash air conditioning.  A hose was replaced.  It worked all day today! 

Other items completed were:
    changing fluid in differential, transmission, coolant, hydrolics, engine, and generator
    cleaned the radiator
    changed all filters associated with fluid changes
    tighten front shock
    bell crank bearings boots replaced
    adjust short drag link
    replace tie rod ends and boots
    air conditioning hose replacement and a/c switch replacement
    other items too numerous to mention

Want more details?  Discuss with Glen!

If we had any concerns about the motorhome being overweight, that was taken care of by making the billfold much lighter.

Remember the front door awning that had been removed from the mh after opening while driving down the road?  Last Friday the awning had been left at a repair service in Elkhart.  We picked up the unrepairable awning today.  Glen had done some research on the cost of a new awning.  At some point Glen realized Elkhart is home to many rv surplus stores.  We called one of the surplus stores, found they had a new door awning in stock.  We were glad to make the 3-mile drive to pick up the new awning for less than half price! 

Glen says installation won't be difficult.  I think he will need the assistance of one person--maybe son Darin.

We couldn't think of any other reason to stay in northern Michigan, so headed down Highway 31, around Indianapolis, and headed west on I-70.  We are at a small town about halfway between Indianapolic and Terre Haute.

***Cloverdale RV Park, Cloverdale, ok place for overnight...too many trees for satellite, hasn't been updated, in several years. 

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