Sunday, September 16, 2012

Small Town America

I forgot to say in the last post that we were going to my mothers for a few days----no wireless service!  We were in the northwoods of Maine, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and had cell service.

But not in central Miller County in Missouri.

It has been a busy few days. 

We have spent time with my sister/brother in law; brother and sister in law.  Saturday was the FallFest at Iberia, Missouri.  It was a rainy Saturday but that was okay as every drop of rain is needed.

My nephew's daughter, Mattie, 2nd grade, was the retiring 2011 Little Miss Fallfest.  We watched her during the introduction of the new candidates! 

There is nothing more American than a small town parade!  There was a parade Saturday morning, complete with fire trucks with sirens blaring, royalty candidates riding in convertibles with umbrellas, decorated floats, Girl Scouts riding on the flat bed trailer, horses.  It was fun! 

Of course it was nice to have my sister sitting in the truck with us, pointing out who everyone was.  The people riding the floats were the grandchildren of the people Glen and I had gone to school with!

Last night was the "bean supper" at the Lion's Club in Brumley, MO.  The menu consists of pinto beans and ham, cole slaw, cornbread, and homemade dessert.  It's a social gathering of all the surrounding communities as well as raising funds for the Lion's Club.

I saw a friend that was one year behind me in school that I had not seen since high school last night.  She recognized me from across the dining room, which is amazing!

Today after chauffeuring my mom to church and back Glen and I drove to Jefferson City MO for the visitation at a funeral home for a first cousin of Glen. 

Glen's sister Evelyn and hubby Gary also came to the visitation.  We came to Red Lobster after the visitation.  In fact we are checking emails, Facebook, and blogs sitting the parking lot of Red Lobster.

We are returning to my mom's tonight, but will go to Cape Girardeau MO tomorrow. 

Our two grandchildren, Ashlynn and Zade, are playing soccer for the first time this fall.  We will get to see several games. 

It has been a wonderful few days here, seeing family, spending time with my mother.  Now its on the road to see more family.

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