Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Work Day

Oh, yes, that list of things to do got shorter today!
Back in Ohio at the fairground the freshwater tank was filled with "bad" water....both stinky and foul tasting.  We have been using bottled water to cook and brush teeth, take medicine, etc.

Today, there was time for Glen to fill the tank, add bleach according to a formula of ounces/gallons of water in tank, let sit for four hours, drain, purge the lines, and refill the tank.  Oh, yes, much better.  Taste and smell are fresh.  He also removed and replaced all of the water filters. 

I got busy and cleaned, really cleaned the bathroom while Glen was busy outdoors. 

Glen also climbed onto the roof of the motor home and removed the old bathroom vent pipes, and replaced with a  new style, supposedly/hopefully will work better. 

We picked Ashlynn up at preschool (where she goes after kindergarten) and brought her with us back to mh.  She loves to clean mirrors and windows.  What a girl.  Give her a roll of paper towels and a bottle of Windex and she is happy!  Of course, I followed behind her and did a finishing wipe, so all the glasses are shiny. 

Darin took Zade to the ear doctor this afternoon.  He has been fiddling with his ears and didn't sleep well last night.  The doctor removed the tubes that were in his ears.  The tubes had been placed at least two, maybe three, years ago and were the long-lasting type.  They had done their job and was ready to be removed.  Hopefully he will have a better night.

Tomorrow we will be able to see Ashlynn play soccer for the first time.  Details after the evening game. 

Being with the grandchildren (and their parents :}) is much fun.  We are storing memories for the months we will be gone during winter.

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