Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Cherishing the Family Moments

Monday and Tuesday have been spent with family as much as possible.

Monday we checked Tanner out of school 30 minutes early to take him to eye doctor.  Tanner has been saying that one eye is blurry.  The optometrist said his eyesight is right on the border of needing glasses; reading glasses may help him but there is no need to have prescription glasses now.  Trisha met us there. 

We spent the day at Trisha's house today.  Glen worked on another project for Trisha. I washed the clothes worn for the four-wheeling outing. 

Tonight Trisha and Glen grilled burgers and brats for dinner.  Jeff's dad and his lady friend joined all of us,  Jeff flew to "Big D"--Dallas and back today.   

We are thinking especially of our friends in the northeast corner visited by Hurricane Sandy. 

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