Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Trick or Treat, Smell my Feet, Give Me Something Good to Eat!

We missed these "trick or treaters" tonight!  Zade, just like his Dad; and Ashlynn, Catwoman!  Thanks Darin for sharing the photos.

We joined Trisha, Jeff, and the boys tonight at their house.  The teen aged boys just roamed the neighborhood finding people they knew.  They have outgrown costumes but had a great time greeting everyone. 

Trisha sits in a lawn chair at the end of the driveway to give out the treats.  What a great idea; no getting up, opening the front door a hundred times.  All of us enjoyed see all of the young ones in costume.  There were princesses, butterflies, pirates, Ninja, a wee little one-about 18 months-was a goldfish!

Are you ready for this?  Glen and I did some......ta da! Christmas shopping this afternoon.  Halloween and Christmas shopping all on the same day!

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