Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Change in Plans

We make plans, and plans change.

There were back-to-back dental appointments this morning for each of us.  Glen has one old filling that needs to be replaced.  While standing at the office desk discussing when this could be done, someone called and cancelled a nine-o'clock appointment in the morning.  Wow!  Glen now has that appointment.

This afternoon we each saw our family doctor.  I learned that lab results showed my thryoid levels are not in the normal range.  Follow up will be start Thursday and finish Friday morning.  It is nothing to be concerned about--promise!---, just taken care of. 

My doctor also wrote a prescription for antibiotics for my sinsus infection.  Hurray.  It is time to get this whipped and out of my system.

This change in plans gives us time to see a couple more friends here in Poplar Bluff.  We haven't inflicted ourselves on anyone to prevent sharing germs the past few days. 

Take care.  Getting ready for Thanksgiving?

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