Monday, November 12, 2012

I know.... it has been it has been a couple of days since I have written....that's because there has been nothing to write.

We..both Glen and I...gave in to the battle of sinsuitis!  We did meet friends for wonderful catfish Saturday night but even declined to go to their home afterwards.

I was in 'jammies and in bed by 7 p.m. 

Sunday we did not get out of the motorhome.  The wind blew, the blue skies departed, the temperatures fell, the rains arrived.

Yesterday's high was 71 degrees.  This morning is is 32 degrees.  There was 1.84 inches of rain.  The wind is gone and the sun is shining brightly. 

Hopefully we will begin to feel better. 

Hope you have had a great week end.

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