Friday, November 9, 2012

Nice Slow Day

I have appreciated having no schedule today.  As normal for me, when in southeast Missouri in late fall, the weather changes do me in!  I took advantage by doing lots of resting.

Five years ago it took several rounds of antibiotics to finally defeat the sinsus infection that took over my life, complete with coughing, coughing,  and coughing, and a completely stuffed head.   Forget all that, you don't need the details! :}

I am fighting--hard--to not get in the same condition.  I believe I am better than yesterday.  The coughing has abated, but still somewhat stuffy. 

But wait, 72 degrees today and 39 for a high on Sunday!  Oh yes...November weather in Missouri--or "Misery" as a friend says.

Glen visited with the staff at the office at the cooperative office this morning.  He enjoys catching up with all of the projects; and best of all, visiting with the friends he worked with for 37 years. 

Are you looking forward to the three day week end?  It isn't such a big deal for us retirees as it used to be.

Of course, the reason for the holiday....Veteran's the same, whether working or retired.  Tell the Veteran or Active Military Person who is in your family, or is your neighbor, or is sporting a Honor Tour WWII cap, or sits next to you at the restaurant, or wherever, "THANKS" for the time they have given to our country.  The time given, the sacrifices made by each of them made/makes it possible for us to live in the greatest country.

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