Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Waiting Game 11-27-2012

The Waiting Game...I am not a good player!

I am speaking of waiting for a doctor's appointment.  The specialist that the family doctor recommended has an appointment for January 28.  No, that is not good.

Sarah, our daughter in law, used her powers, and got it moved to December 27.  That is still a long time.

Plan C...our neice in central Missouri, works with a thyroid specialist.  Abbie is trying to get proper paperwork sent her way and an appointment much sooner. 

I did learn today that the scan/lab work is "non-emergency" "typical".  If that is the case, then I may wait until early next spring, and get the heck out of Dodge...and get on the road to south Texas.

Hear my frustrations!

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